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Note: "x" indicates no office hours. Please schedule meetings of a maximum of 20 minutes unless you are a PhD student discussing a dissertation proposal.
Please knock on the door when it is time for your so I don't keep you waiting
1/22 |
1/29 |
2/5 |
2/12 |
2/19 |
2/26 |
3/5 |
3/19 |
2:00-2:20 |
Batool Zaidi |
Jamie O'Connor |
Batool Zaidi |
Haj Yazdiha
Robert Donnelly |
2:20-2:40 |
Colin Campbell |
Haj Yazdiha
Zhenhua Xu
2:40-3:00 |
Camille Petrik
Leigh Tally |
Heather |
3:00-3:20 |
Camille Petrik
Heather |
Zhenhua Xu
Heather |
Charlotte Larson |
Heather |
1/24 |
1/31 |
2/7 |
2/14 |
2/21 |
2/28 |
3/7 |
3/21 |
2:00-2:30 |
xx Karen Gerken |
Karen Gerken |
Brian Levy |
Brian Levy |
Brian Levy |
Brian Levy
Brian Levy |
Brian Levy |
2:30-2:50 |
xx Kristen Schorpp
Kristen Schorpp
Courtney Boen |
Mike Willis
Karen Gerken
Karam Hwang
Karen gerken
Ricardo Martinez-Schuldt |
2:50-3:10 |
xx Camille Petrik
Brian Levy |
Heather |
David Rigby |
David Rigby
David Rigby |
Robert Donnelly |
3:10-3:30 |
Paul Fleming |
David Rigby |
Heather |
Daowen Chen
Byron Villacis
Daniel Auguste
Jennifer DeLaRosa
Sukie Zietz |
xxDaniel Auguste
Paul Fleming |
Daniel Auguste
Jessica Pearlman |
Jessica Pearlman |
Zhenhua Xu
Courtney Boen
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