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quick question about changing my model from probit to multinomial logit for my final paper
I moved my name to the 2:40-3:00 time slot on April 17th.
Hi Ted, I would like to go over my data with you tomorrow if you have time. At the moment I want to make sure that the data I am importing from the World Bank is in the right format for me to work with and merge with WVS data for the paper. I tried using "db wbopendata" in Stata to work with it - while the command works and I'm able to import data for Egypt, all of the variables are showing up under "indicatorname" and I'm not sure how to change this. I've tried different ways of selecting indicators before importing the data, but it isn't showing up correctly in Stata. Thank you! Katie
I added my name to the 2:40-3:00 time slot on Thursday, April 10th.
I added my name to the 2:20-2:40 time slot on Thursday, March 27.
I added my name to the 2:20-2:40 time slot on Thursday, April 3.
Hi Ted, If this time is ok to meet tomorrow, I would like to discuss options for the multilevel model I will develop for the MA & course paper. My focus is Egypt; World Bank and IMF are the go-to sources for the types of indicators I'm interested in, but so far World Bank only has data for some years since 1980. If creating time periods or interpolating are options for dealing with missing data, I should start to figure out how I will do it. Also, I found another survey on labor market conditions that I may be interested in combining with World Values Survey for the micro-level of the model - is it possible to use 2 datasets for microlevel or will that be unruly? Thank you! Katie
Kathleen Kenny (SOCI 709)
Hi Ted, I'd like to delay our appointment to next week as I'm not ready to discuss data just yet. Thank you! Katie
Appointment to discuss dataset for Soc 709 term paper. Thank you!
Appointment to discuss dataset for term paper in Soc 709
Add name to office hours slot.
Added in October appts with Ted
Sorry for the late notice Ted. I am having to take a sick day. David
Conflicting appointment, sadly.
signed up for office hours
Rachel Upton 3:20-3:40 on 3/1
Thursday: Rachel Upton 3:00-3:20
Mouw Appt.
I added my name on Feb 28th (Raquel)